
Showing posts from February, 2011

Car Shopping

I finally sat in a Chevy Camero. With all the dials and the narrow windows, I felt like I was in a tank. It made me want to drive fast and plow through walls and barricades. So if it's not bulletproof and the firewall isn't a battering ram, I don't want it. Also, the absence of push-button wings for flight or a large caliber weapon in the grill would only depress me. "Hey. Who's that really sad-looking guy driving the nice car?" I'd have returned it to the lot within a week.

Rural King

Free popcorn, free coffee, and baby chickens. I'm never sure about my life in Rural America. It's like living in a petting zoo and not knowing who the animals are.

Glazed Like A Doughnut

Ice on the tree in my front yard. Somewhere in out neighborhood, a chain saw is ripping through a fallen tree in the dark.  The wind howls, ice crackles, and the rain freezes in the air before it ever hits the ground.  Rumor has it that while things are bad in east-central Illinois, Chicago could see its worst winter since 1967 .  The media keeps circulating that quote, so it must be true.  Meanwhile, the governor of Illinois declared a disaster declaration before the snow even hit.  Since then, Governor Quinn dispatched the National Guard to aid stranded motorists , and the Mattoon school district has cancelled school yet again.  You would think this mighty glaze of ice would end the world.  People who poorly prepare are getting stuck while those who over-prepare suck up the remaining winter resources as though God himself deemed Illinois be buried under snow for 40 days and 40 nights.  Fear not, this too shall pass. DeAnn and Kayla text to stay warm. How are the St.Michaels