
Showing posts from April, 2011

The Death of the Typewriter?!?

My own 1936 Royal brand typewriter, recently home-repaired. I heard last week about the death of the typewriter, that the last manufacturer in India was stopping production.  I thought this seemed odd, but being that it was on NBC Nightly News and that it was all over Twitter (#RIPtypewriter) that surely , the old machine was dead.  Nope. While looking for more information about the end of typewriters, I found an article from the Chicago Tribune that told me what I thought was true: electric typewriters are still being manufactured.  I'd seen enough around offices to know better than to believe they would simply disappear.  The truth is that manual typewriters are no longer being made.  So if they stopped making stick shift vehicles, would you be so quick to tout the death of the automobile?  Not likely.  Possibly this has more to do with the smart-phone-using, ever-tweeting population that wants to believe we're "out of the stone age."  Unfortunately, while m

Image Search

Recently, in order to complete another project I was working on, I had to run a Google image search.  The results were so odd that I just had to share them in this YouTube video. Somewhere along the way, I decided I'd be happier with the video if it looked like I'd recorded it on a VHS tape.  Why?  I don't know.  In fact, it made my usual, enjoyable experience a multiple-hour, self-imposed torture chamber.  Somewhere between my high expectations and my older, mostly no-frills video editor, I set the bar higher than the output capability of my encoder.  Translation: What looked good on screen looked like garbage once it uploaded to YouTube.   Eventually, I figured out how to trick my older computer system, my older video editor, and my YouTube account into pumping out the result I wanted.  I'll either remember that sequence for next time ... or never ever attempt that effect again. The whole point of this search was that I needed the image of several major credit