
Showing posts from March, 2013


When I started writing this post, the biggest news would have been that my youngest daughter, Adelynn turned a year old.  Considering how long we were incubating her inside my wife, I can't believe she's been out in the world as long as she has.  Once she screamed when she was hungry; now she screams when I won't let her chew on the remote. Sometimes, I can look at my young daughter like she's a delicate, tiny person.  Other times, I watch her chewing the varnish off of the end table or shaking things until they get tugged free, and I think I've signed on for permanent custody of a puppy or monkey.  She smells better than a puppy or monkey can.  The real plus is that unlike those animals, Adelynn usually lets me put a diaper on her. My long-term memory developed unusually early, so I have a lot of memories from when I was 2-years-old.  I can remember all too well the frustration of having important and complex things to talk about, but not having the words t