
Showing posts from December, 2009

Off Topic: Health Care Reform and Other Nazi Things You Shouldn't Use

My thoughts turned to Hitler and Nazism several weeks ago as I was watching the PBS news program, Washington Week with Gwen Ifel. In the opening preview a woman at one of these town hall meetings asked Senator Barney Frank of his support for the Obama health care reform: “My question to you is, why do you continue to support a Nazi policy as Obama has expressly supported this policy. Why are you supporting it?” Senator Frank replied, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" The audience laughed; so did I. However, weeks later, as I mused at this retort, it occurred to me that the opportunity to help someone understand and overcome fear was lost in a verbal jab. The camera angle didn't show how the unidentified woman was holding a flier with President Obama's photo doctored to show him with a "Hitler mustache." 1 Where did this come from? The answer is that it's coming from the Lyndon LaRouche PAC (Political Action Committee). Any interest