
Showing posts from August, 2019

Feeling Like A Dinosaur

It's hard not to feel like a dinosaur when you go to look for something that everyone else knows is gone.  Imagine asking where you can send a telegraph message, asking someone at Wal-Mart for a LaserDisc version of a recently released movie or a new video game that you load on floppy discs. That could be a fun joke. (Film it and post the reaction on YouTube.) It's a bit more bewildering when you seem to be the only one who doesn't know it went away. Clip art did that to me last week. I hadn't looked for the "Insert Clip Art" button for several years. I thought maybe I'd lost my mind, but it turns out Microsoft ended their clip art gallery in 2014 . What's worse is that the button I was looking for hadn't been included in MS Office since their 2003 version. My memory told me it would be right there ... after possibly 16 years of not using clip art? To me, clip art was one of the last things we could share as a culture. It was like a pe

A New Look

I hadn't altered the look of my blog in about 5 years, so I thought it was time to change things up. New design for 2019. Old design. The design in 2011. This is all part of my effort to tether my blog to my YouTube account as I get closer to sharing an ongoing project I've had in development for some time. We'll see how it goes. Basically, this blog post is for my memory more than anything else.