Off Topic: Health Care Reform and Other Nazi Things You Shouldn't Use

My thoughts turned to Hitler and Nazism several weeks ago as I was watching the PBS news program, Washington Week with Gwen Ifel. In the opening preview a woman at one of these town hall meetings asked Senator Barney Frank of his support for the Obama health care reform:
“My question to you is, why do you continue to support a Nazi policy as Obama has expressly supported this policy. Why are you supporting it?”
Senator Frank replied, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" The audience laughed; so did I. However, weeks later, as I mused at this retort, it occurred to me that the opportunity to help someone understand and overcome fear was lost in a verbal jab.

The camera angle didn't show how the unidentified woman was holding a flier with President Obama's photo doctored to show him with a "Hitler mustache."1 Where did this come from? The answer is that it's coming from the Lyndon LaRouche PAC (Political Action Committee). Any interest should be directed to LaRouchPAC or the Wikipedia article.

How To Avoid Actual Nazi Stuff
...and Socialism In-General
DO NOT purchase or otherwise drive a Volkswagen Beetle! Avoid the current generation of the Beetle as well. Touting the current generation of VW Beetle is like stating that North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-il is just fine because he's not the founder, Kim Il-sung. A dictator is a dictator, and a Beetle is a Beetle ... whether Hitler saw the current result of his proposed concept car or not. Just to be safe, don't drive Volkswagens.

DO NOT use the Interstate! It might be the Eisenhower Interstate system, but he got the idea from Hitler's cherished Autobahn project. Real Americans drive on 2-lane highways. There's just something sneaky about bypassing rural American towns in favor of outlandish Nazi speed. Those narrow ribbons of highway that trap you behind slow-moving traffic are there to make you appreciate how you got there and appreciate concepts like proper following distance. The kind of unbridled speed provided by the Interstate is too much like a blitzkrieg, don't you think?

DO NOT use public libraries! Our tax dollars should not be spent on poorly maintained buildings to provide tax-funded books for illegal aliens. There are zero guarantees that illegal aliens are not getting into socialized libraries around the United States. My own local library has no entrance screening process! For all we know, illegals and potential terrorists walk in and out of there all the time! It's ridiculous to think that a government that can't keep the pot holes filled can provide a fully functional depository of knowledge for all American citizens. There are those who cannot afford books. For them, I propose tax incentives to buy their own books. After all, these socialist libraries are hurting local book retailers. Tax incentives for the literate will guarantee literacy funding for American citizens and boost small business owners. That's the American way!

DO NOT support fire departments! The indiscriminate way that fire fighters rush to help anyone who needs it does not take the deliberate measures needed to ensure that they are protecting only legal, tax-paying citizenry. If people want to prevent fires, they should invest in sprinkler systems or depend on a privately-run fire protection unit. There's no reason that small, locally owned private industry couldn't do the same job more efficiently. Further, the creation of private competitors will drive down the exorbitant price of socialized fire protection. Don't be fooled by the rhetoric that socialized fire protection was conceived by Benjamin Franklin; he spent a lot of time with the French.

Fight Socialism AND Reduce Spending in the Budget!

Nearly half of the federal budget is spent on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Maybe some people thought these programs were good ideas, but the Republicans tried hard after World War II to repeal FDR's socialist policies.

Social Security: Though there were reports of old people eating cat food to survive, I'm sure that wasn't true for all elderly or retired peoples. The truth is, if you save just $25 a week for 40 years, you should have $150,000 (assuming you got an average of 5% interest). If you ignore Belgium, Germany, France, Hungary, Sweden, Austria, Italy, Finland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Denmark, Spain, Greece, the Netherlands, the Slovak Republic, Norway, Portugal, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Switzerland, the United States as the highest personal tax rate in the world!2 If the personal tax rate were lowered, I'm sure those who make so little that they already get their taxes back at the end of the year will be better off, and we could abolish Social Security once and for all.

Medicare and Medicaid: This goes back to my previous argument about the high tax rate in the United States. If you're just willing to work hard, you can save $50 a week for 40 years, and assuming you get 5% interest, you'll end up with $300,000! This will more than pay for hospital bills in old age. When it comes to the poor, they either need to be more willing to move or willing to work dirtier jobs rather than rely on socialist handouts. They should rely more on charity organizations and churches. Yes, churches in poor neighborhoods are poor, so they should network with wealthier churches in nearby areas. Yes, churches in poor regions or poor states will be poor. If they can't network with churches in other states, they shouldn't be so isolationist. After all, aiding the poor should be a volunteer job, not a mandate by an elected totalitarian government. I expect my government to do what Jesus would do by restricting abortions and overturning tax tables ... or something like that. I'm sure it's in the New Testament.

SOCIALISM IS AT OUR DOOR! All of the proof you need is in the map below. All of the red or "communist pink" areas are where the government imposes some kind of parental leave on businesses. Who are those who don't use Draconian rule to let parents spend time with their new babies? Aside from the United States, there's just Australia, Liberia, Papua New Guinea, and Swaziland. It almost gives you more respect for Australia, doesn't it? Forget for a moment that the other three countries listed aren't recognized as free countries, nor are they part of the Industrial World.3 The fact that the United States and Australia have fewer government-enforced parental rights than the Third World shouldn't make you feel like fighting socialism is a bad thing. To reference the work of Charles Dickens, preserving freedom might just require "decreasing the surplus population." Let's be honest: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness were rights recognized for white, male, land-owners. See any women, people of color, or dirty poor in the pictures of the signing of the Declaration of Independence? No. So let's keep it to 1776 standards; non-whites and women should consider themselves lucky they can vote.

Conclusion: Don't drive Volkswagens or drive on the Interstate. Don't use public libraries or the fire department. Don't get old or disabled if you're poor. Don't let "Obamacare" pass. Write your Congressman and tell him or her that not only do you not want "Obamacare" but that you want Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, fire departments, public libraries, and Interstates cut from the federal budget. Good luck! Fight the good fight!
  1. Town hall picture link from Getty Images:
  2. Information on personal tax rates based on the OECD Tax Database:
  3. Freedom House information for 2006:


Anonymous said…
I hear about how great America is...and then I read things like this article. I'm still amazed at how people can judge health care changes, and more support - in so many areas. I can't believe that the U.S. boasts about how great it is...and have very little proof to back it up. This blog goes to show how little America knows about itself. --E.Z.S.
Anonymous said…
Wow, who says brilliance can't originate from Mattoon IL?! I'm passing it on.