Everyone Else Can Random, So Why Can't We?

I'm not sure why I thought I'd title this blog post with a reference to The Cranberries' 1993 album, but there's where my head is.  Mostly, I think I just wanted to throw something out there in a way that I haven't done in a very long time.

I typed about a page and a half and just as quickly erased it.  What would have become scratch paper or a wad of paper in my waste basket is now an electronic flash, possibly data in a humming hard drive in California, saved as a temporary data file.  Did you know that every Google search uses the same amount of electricity as microwaving a cup of coffee?  It makes me wonder if my paper waste was actually worse than typing this electronically.  I'm not convinced.

Even my radio is Internet-based.  I've got the indecipherable voice of a Dutch newscaster behind my thoughts.  I find it easier to type when I can't understand what he's saying ... except I understand "computer virus" and "Fox News" and the name of the ousted leader of Libya.  Those little interruptions are bowling balls coming through the ceiling of a quiet china shop.  Without warning, my attention shifts to the words I understand and I lose my train of thought.

The original train of thought for this blog post was mostly rambling self-pity and complaining about the odd direction of popular culture and how it's influenced our politics.  Instead, I erased it all and find myself distracted by Abba, now that my Dutch talk show is gone.  ...drat.

The point is: I think I would be happy explaining some very simple concepts via podcast or YouTube, but I don't put these things out quickly, they don't make money, and gaining viewership is beyond me.  I wish it were a hobby, but I have money I need to make. 
