Reading Marathon

book collageFor the first time in a long time, I've had the time to read.  It started when I finished a National Geographic I had started reading a year ago.  Then I decided to pick up a a book I'd started long ago.  The book, State of Confusion finally gave me the ability to understand the popularity of things like Fox News, something I'd never understood.  This insight inspired me to read the next several books.  The next one on my list taught me to interpret body language during conversations.  Krista Tippett's "Speaking of Faith" reminded me of the way I used to approach conversations about religious beliefs.  Even though I've grown up watching national news, I've never really understood how it works.  "How to Watch TV News" has changed that.

NGM collage
Between every book that I've read since March, I've read an issue of National Geographic or two.  For the first time in years, it took me only one week to read an issue cover-to-cover.  Then I did it again the following week.  Then today, I finished an issue, cover-to-cover in just two days.

National Geographic has always had the power to make me feel more connected to the world.  Now, I finally feel like I'm learning how to share that with others and how to understand what others are trying to share with me.  This might be nerdy, but to me, it's very exciting.
