Vacation (day 5): Leaving Alex Johnson for the Badlands

I wasn't ready to leave the Alex Johnson. After our Tom Tom directed us to the wrong IHOP and steered us the wrong way on a one-way street all before we even left Rapid City, we left for the Badlands.

After seeing nearly 100 billboards for Wall Drug, I had to see what the big deal was. It was there that I saw my first jackalope. There was a lot to see, and a lot to have your picture taken next to.

Speaking of pictures, we took a lot in the Badlands. I actually had my camera out more than Mom. DeAnn loved it. Kayla liked it too but seemed more thrilled that she had cell service. Her friends hadn't texted her in more than 4 days.

We wore out pretty fast and had to make an unplanned stop in Kadoka. New regulations have kept them from opening the pool. And their recent purchase of the neighboring restaurant has canceled the advertised continental breakfast. Drat.

The room is huge. We don't know where we're going next.
